Smoky Mountain Model Works, Inc.
Asheville, North Carolina USA
Creating 20th Century Models Using 21st Century Technology
Smoky Mountain Model Works, Inc. Asheville, NC 28805
Ph.: (828) 777-5619 (10-5 M-F) Email:
Ordering and Payment Information
My business is composed of the "model side" and the "industrial side". The latter's customers typically have production deadline requirements; the model side is, generally, devoid of any such time constraints. While I strive to ship your orders within a few days of receiving payment in full, this is not always possible. No order will be shipped prior to receiving payment-in-full.
This web site has no "shopping cart" ... you cannot order directly from it. Those are expensive to maintain and do not cater to my "made-to-order" business style. Please email your order to . Be sure to include your mailing address. I will respond with an invoice that includes shipping and payment options (check, money order, Paypal).
I strive to offer affordable items ... I'm a modeler, too, and fully understand "sticker shock" on some items. Banks have routinely increased credit card processing fees for the past several years and I can no longer absorb them. I also refuse to increase an item's price to compensate for fees driven by greed. This left me with only a few options: check/money order drawn from a US bank account or Paypal.
DO NOT "guestimate" the shipping charge and add to your payment. WAIT FOR THE INVOICE ... this is the ONLY way you'll know for sure how much to send (mail or Paypal). The USPS' rates vary wildly depending on your location and package size/weight. Your order will not ship if there is a "balance due".
If you send Paypal payment prior to receiving an invoice, I will reject/refund it.
International checks are no longer accepted.
You can still use your favorite credit card via Paypal. Use the "Send To A Friend" option to avoid fees, otherwise, add 5% of the total (including postage) to the amount you send. This is explained on the invoice.
All items weighing less than one pound will be shipped via USPS 1st Class unless the value exceeds $100. On-line processing thru USPS' site limits shipping options to 1st Class and Priority, whether domestic or international, and is driven by box size, value and weight.
Shipping via UPS, FedEx DHL is not an option.
PayPal Instructions are explained on the invoice.