Smoky Mountain Model Works, Inc.
Asheville, North Carolina USA
Creating 20th Century Models Using 21st Century Technology
Smoky Mountain Model Works, Inc. Asheville, NC 28805
Ph.: (828) 777-5619 (10-5 M-F) Email:
Each 38" w/b Russel truck consists of (4) pieces: (1) sideframes/bolster, (2) Kadee 24" Griffin wheelsets and a #0-48 screw.
Each 48" w/b Russel truck consists of (6) pieces: (1) sideframes/bolster, (2) separate brake beams/hangers, (2) Kadee 24" Griffin wheelsets and a #0-48 screw. A tiny drop of CA to attach the beams is the only assembly required.
All parts are 3D printed in a grey-tinted, semi-rigid SLA resin that readily accepts all types of paint without primer.
The Argent Lumber Co. 20 ft. skeleton log car kit includes a grey-tinted, urethane, 1-pc underframe with separate log bunks, each with hidden brass rods for weight. Log bunk straps and horseshoe-shaped log keepers on the bunk ends are 3D SLA printed in a semi-rigid, grey resin that resists breakage from normal handling. Kadee #158 "Whisker" couplers (included) fit into the underframe pocket with no screws. Trucks (optional) are same as #48n-TK1 described below. Enough parts to make (2) cars.
The "Adjust-A-Flat" skeleton log car kit includes (2) grey-tinted, urethane, underframe castings with separate log bunks and a Birch wood dowel that is cut-to-fit by the modeler to create a car up to 36 ft long. All other parts are the same as in the 20 ft. long car, including optional trucks shown below. Enough parts to make (2) cars.
The gondola kit includes a grey-tinted, urethane, weighted underframe and log bunk castings, urethane side stakes, bolster plate, and coupler box cover. Kappler strips for the deck and sides so you can build in several arrangements. (1) car per package.