Smoky Mountain Model Works, Inc.
Asheville, North Carolina USA
Creating 20th Century Models Using 21st Century Technology
Smoky Mountain Model Works, Inc. Asheville, NC 28805
Ph.: (828) 777-5619 (10-5 M-F) Email:
Each item is designed in Solidworks 3D CAD. Urethane casting patterns are made using Rapid Prototyping technology.
HO Scale (for IM, Sergent ENC87K, and Accurail)
Detailed coupler boxes replace Accurail's "sometimes hard-to-find" #1020 and #1031 parts with one VERY important improvement: SELF-CENTERING. This feature is OPTIONAL ... you can still position couplers where you want by placing the spring inside the coupler's shank.
Screw bosses are spaced apart the same as the Accurail parts. The distance from the lid's face ("buffer block") to it's smooth back is .041" which, unlike most "mass-produced" boxes, places this assembly at a prototypically correct distance for most cars. The trade-off is that you may need to shave off some of the model's end sill details and/or relocate the model's coupler screw holes to provide room for the lid's "riveted lip". Of course, the "lip's" features can be filed off without affecting coupler operation but that would certainly detract from the intended appearance.
Click on CAD screen shots at left to view enlarged images.
Each kit includes 3D resin-printed, grey parts and #0-48 screws to equip (8) cars. IM and Sergent's ENC87K coupler and friction spring NOT included.
87-DP-400-GY (grey-tinted parts) ... $19.00

HO Scale (for Kadee "Whisker" & Innovative Models/Sergent EC87K)
Upgrade your coupler boxes with these super-detailed parts suitable for Kadee #158 "Whisker", Innovative Models, and Sergent EC87K "Compatible Shank" couplers.
"Boxes" include 3D resin-printed, grey boxes and lids plus (20) #0-48 self-tapping screws for (10) cars.
"Kits" include items in "Boxes" plus #158 couplers for (10) cars. IM and Sergent couplers & springs are not provided.
An added feature for Sergent users is SELF-CENTERING. This feature is OPTIONAL ... you can still position couplers where you want by placing the spring inside the coupler's shank.
Extended centersills fill the gap between the box and bolster. Just cut-to-length with a razor saw. THAT'S IT!
The screw boss is sized to fit the 1/8" diameter coupler shank hole but uses the smaller #0 screw. The boss is located slightly closer to the front than Kadee's #262 box to provide more clearance for the "whisker" head without detracting from the appearance of IM or Sergent's to-scale coupler. The distance from the lid's face ("buffer block") to it's smooth back is .041" which, unlike most "mass-produced" boxes, places this assembly at a prototypically correct distance for most cars. The trade-off is that you may need to shave off some of the model's end sill details and/or relocate the model's coupler screw hole to provide room for the lid's "riveted lip". Of course, the "lip's" features can be filed off without affecting coupler operation but that would certainly detract from the intended appearance.
The box's as-printed opening is .180" ... easily widened with a jeweller's file up to .200" for long cars and/or tight curve radii.
Click on CAD screen shots at left to view enlarged images.
87-DP-401-GY (Boxes + lids + #0-48 screws) ... $19.00
87-DP-402-GY (Boxes + lids + Kadee #158 couplers + #0-48 screws) ... $32.00